Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is file extension cfm?

If you are web developer,you must know file extension cfm. Now i tell you why you must know it.if you want to interactive with other people ,you need a dynamic websites,and it must contain can you do that? the coldfusion over standard html can help you ,it has the ability to create dynamic and interactive websites.and the .cfm file may contain datebase information,forms,flash objects,and coldfusion applications and scripts

Coldfusion is the most popular choice of application server technology for many developers and powerful websites, such as Lloyds TSB, DHL and Microsoft’s Central. Macromedia ColdFusion combines an intuitive, language-based tags (tag-based), rich, visual tools and a proven and robust web application server which provides the fastest way to build and develop powerful web applications. With Coldfusion, you can build file extension CFM and develop content publishing systems, online stores (e-commerce) solutions for self-reporting of business applications at a price much lower and a rapidly than could ever imagine.

And then, what is the file extension CFM? ColdFusion Markup Language, is fully integrated with html and xml. This language is extensible and the whole process server(Coldfusion applications can run on any browser). It is with visual programming tools for error handling and database applications that enable the creation of high quality. And sophisticated services that help development teams to work together efficiently. more information about file extension cfm you can follow this link